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HMRC have issued a new version of the flat rate scheme notice. Some important points about the flat rate scheme are:
1 If your expenditure on “goods” is less than £250 OR less than 2% of your turnover in any quarter, then you must use the scheme rate of 16.5%. This test must be done every quarter, which can mean some quarters you use your normal scheme rate, and other quarters you will use 16.5%.
2 There is a 1% discount on all rates, including the 16.5% default rate, for the first year of VAT registration. This is not necessarily the first year of using the flat rate scheme.
3 Exempt supplies, such as rental income,are included in the flat rate scheme calculations.
4 ‘Associated’ businesses cannot join the Flat Rate Scheme. Associated businesses include ones that are closely bound by financial, economic and organisational links.
5 When deciding on your correct flat scheme rate, if there is not a sector that mentions your business, look at the sectors for ‘Businesses not mentioned elsewhere’. There’s one for retail, one for business services and one for manufacturing.
6 Only use ‘Any other activity not listed elsewhere’ if your business does not fit with anything else.
7 You must tell HMRC when joining and leaving the scheme. If leaving the scheme you cannot rejoin the scheme within the next 12 months.
8 You can claim bad debt relief as a separate calculation, even if using the cash based flat rate scheme.
9 Whilst most input tax cannot be claimed when using the flat rate scheme, the input tax on purchases of single physical items costing £2000 or more (including VAT) can be claimed.

Boni Accountants works hard to meet all of your accounting needs. Contact us if you have more questions and we’ll be happy to get back to you as soon as we can.

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